Actualització: Aquí podeu veure els records de la nostra participació en la Convención NFA
Us convidem a descobrir el nostre catàleg interactiu de totes les nostres obres per a flauta. No dubteu en fer clic per veure tota la informació (pàgines de mostra, àudio, YouTube, comentaris) a la nostra pàgina web.
Utilitzeu el nostre codi de descompte per a la Convenció de flauta FLAUTA MUNDI de la National Flute Association NFA a San Antonio, Texas. Us convidem a visitar-nos al nostre estand a San Antonio de l’1 al 4 d’agost durant la “Flauta Mundi: Global Voices of the Flute”.
Uniu-vos a milers de flautistes per a una celebració de quatre dies de la comunitat mundial de la flautes amb actuacions, classes magistrals, tallers,… i partitures de B&M.
REF. |
100-249 | PORTOLÉS, Peregrí | Impressions sonores (Audible Impressions), for flute
ISMN: 979-069220-148-9 |
15,50 € |
100-321 | PADRÓ, Josep | Cinc apunts per a un retrat de dona (Five sketches for a portrait of a woman), for flute
ISMN: 979-069220-219-6 |
13,46 € |
100-440 | BROTONS, Salvador | Giravolts (Swirling), for solo flute
ISMN: 979-069220-340-7 |
20,20 € |
100-527 | BÁEZ, Santiago | Sonatina arabesca, for flute
ISMN: 979-069220-422-0 |
16,35 € |
100-600 | ESPASA, Salvador | Evocãre, for solo flute
ISMN: 979-069220-526-5 |
15,87 € |
100-633 | MONIS, Sharon | Après Syrinx, for flute
ISMN: 979-69220-559-3 |
15,87€ |
100-664 | GONZÁLEZ, Jesús | Fantaisie V, for flute
ISMN: 979-69220-589-0 |
15,87€ |
100-669 | OLMO, Alberto | Fukushima dark, for flute
ISMN: 979-69220-593-7 |
15,87€ |
100-757 | LÓPEZ MARTÍN, Francisco | Mononoke-hime, for solo flute
ISMN: 979-69220-681-1 |
15,87€ |
100-814 | PENMAN, Katrina | Socially distant, for flute
ISMN: 979-069220-788-7 |
15,38€ |
100-882 | PENMAN, Katrina | Antequera, for flute
ISMN: 979-0-69220-924-9 |
17,31€ |
100-888 | PENMAN, Katrina | Oriental, for solo flute
ISMN: 979-0-69220-930-0 |
14,42€ |
100-899 | PENMAN, Katrina | Light among flowers, Suite for solo flute
ISMN: 979-0-69220-942-3 |
15,38€ |
100-912 | VILA, Eligio | Estructuras metamórficas (Metamorphic structures), for flute
ISMN: 979-0-69220-956-0 |
16,35€ |
100-086 | BROTONS, Josep Maria | Pensament, Recordant (Thought, Remembering),
for flute and piano ISMN: 979-0801226-84-6 |
12,98 € |
100-106 | BROTONS, Josep Maria | Camí nostàlgic (Nostalgic way), Remembrant el passat (Remembering the past), two short works for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-005-5 |
12,98 € |
100-142 | BOSCH, Lluís M. | En blanc i negre (In black and white), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220044-4 |
(Complete set) 23,07 € |
100-180 | LEÓN FIORAVANTI, David | Variacions iròniques (Ironic variations),
for flute and piano ISMN: 979-069220-078-9 |
17,79 € |
100-246 | PROHENS, Josep | Símptomes (Symptoms), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-145-8 |
17,79 € |
100-257 | COHÍ GRAU, Agustí | Ocell de bosc (Forest bird), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-155-7 |
17,79 € |
100-341 | PADRÓ, Josep | Exoneració entorn d’una dona bècil (Exoneration around a bècil woman), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-239-4 |
14,42 € |
100-345 | VILLARROYA, Juanjo | El Museu del temps (The Museum of time), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-243-1 |
12,98 € |
100-347 | MARTÍNEZ, Pascual
(adaptation of a traditional song) |
El cant dels ocells (Birdsong), Famous Catalan traditional song for melodic instrument and piano (available for: violin, viola, violoncello, flute/oboe, clarinet, bassoon/euphonium/ trombone, saxophone alto, saxophone tenor, trumpet/Flügelhorn, French horn)
ISMN: 979-069220-245-5 |
(Piano and 1 instrument) 12,98 €
(Complete set with all parts) 15,86 € |
100-349 | ÀLVAREZ, Òscar | Sonatina para personaje y su rollo (Sonatina for character and his chatter), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-247-9 |
19,23 € |
100-494 | BROTONS, Salvador | Piccolo Concerto (Concert per a flautí i orquestra) “Dialogues with Axel”, for piccolo flute and orchestra (*)
ISMN: 979-069220-387-2 |
(Piano reduction) 21,15 € |
100-497 | BROTONS, Salvador | Capriccio brillante, for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-391-9 |
17,31 € |
100-535 | GONZÁLEZ, Jesús | Por la Paz (For Peace), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-429-9 |
12,98 € |
100-636 | CARBALLO, Sergi | Tres peces breus (Three short pieces), for flute or violin and piano
ISMN: 979-69220-562-3 |
15,87€ |
100-721 | CAPODAGLIO, Leonello | Tres consolaciones (Three consolations), for oboe (or flute, clarinet, violin) and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-642-2 |
(Complete set) 14,42€ |
100-760 | BROTONS, Salvador | Sonata per a flauta i piano, (Sonata for flute and piano (DIG)
ISMN: 979-069220-686-6 |
14,88€ |
100-813 | PENMAN, Katrina | To Andalusia and beyond, for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-787-0 |
23,08€ |
100-868 | PENMAN, Katrina | Sonatina for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-0-69220-906-5 |
21,15€ |
100-879 | VILA, Eligio | Sonata para flauta y piano (Sonata for flute and piano)
ISMN: 979-0-69220-920-1 |
21,15€ |
100-893 | BOZZO, David | Preludi i Fuga (Prelude and Fugue), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-0-69220-936-2 |
19,23€ |
100-900 | PENMAN, Katrina | Caminos introspectivos (Introspective paths), Suite for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-0-69220-943-0 |
19,23€ |
200-113 | ZUBIETA, Esperanza | Dos piezas (Two pieces), for flute and piano
ISMN: 979-0-805438-16-0 |
23,08 €
200-127 | YUSTE, Luis | Sonatina para flauta y piano (Sonatina for flute and piano)
ISMN: 979-0-805438-28-3 |
21,15 € |
100-456 | COHÍ GRAU, Agustí | Ocell de bosc (Forest bird), Suite for flute and orchestra
ISMN: 979-069220-355-1 |
(Score) 18,27€
100-558 | BROTONS, Salvador | Piccolo Concerto (Concert per a flautí i orquestra) “Dialogues with Axel”, for piccolo flute and orchestra (*)
ISMN: 979-069220-453-4 |
(Score) 30,00 € |
100-660 | BROTONS, Salvador | Piccolo Concerto “Dialogues with Àxel”, for piccolo and symphonic band
ISMN: 979-69220-600-2 |
(Score) 31,20€ |
100-675 | BROTONS, Salvador | Doble concert per a flauta, violí i orquestra de corda (Double concerto for flute, violin and string orchestra)
ISMN: 979-69220-601-9 |
(Score) 24,04€ |
100-957 | VIVALDI, Antonio,
Arr.: Ángel Luis Rodríguez |
Concierto en Do M, RV 443 (Concerto in C major), for piccolo and flute choir
ISMN: 979-0-69245-046-7 |
(Complete set) 43,27€ |
200-023 | BORNE, François
Transcription: Manuel Mondéjar |
Fantaisie brillante sur Carmen de Bizet (Fantaisie brillante on themes of Bizet’s Carmen), for flute and symphonic band (*)
ISMN: 979-0-801262-24-0 |
(Score) 22,12 €
(Solo part) 4,80 € |
100-312 | PERÓN CANO, Carlos | Música pendular V, for flute sextet
ISMN: 979-069220-210-3 |
(Complete set) 23,07 € |
100-346 | VILLARROYA, Juanjo | De la Marjal a Wittgenstein (From Marjal to Wittgenstein), for flute quartet
ISMN: 979-069220-244-8 |
(Complete set) 17,78 € |
100-409 | BROTONS, Salvador | Diaulos, for two flutes
ISMN: 979-069220-307-0 |
(Complete set) 14,43 € |
100-815 | PENMAN, Katrina | Flautknight, for flute quintet
ISMN: 979-069220-789-4 |
(Complete set) 25,00€ |
100-854 | GONZÁLEZ, Jesús | Desde el Cielo (From Heaven), for 3 flutes
ISMN: 979-069220-893-8 |
(Complete set) 18,27€ |
100-901 | PENMAN, Katrina | Flautknight, for flute choir
ISMN: 979-0-69220-944-7 |
(Complete set) 43,27€ |
100-917 | PENMAN, Katrina | Deva, Tone poem for flute ensemble
ISMN: 979-0-69220-962-1 |
(Complete set) 28,85€ |
100-951 | BROTONS, Salvador | Tuneful Music, for flute octet (flute choir)
ISMN: 979-0-69245-020-7 |
(Complete set) 48,08€ |
100-957 | VIVALDI, Antonio,
Arr.: Ángel Luis Rodríguez |
Concierto en Do M, RV 443 (Concerto in C major), for piccolo and flute choir
ISMN: 979-0-69245-046-7
(Complete set) 43,27€ |
CHAMBER MUSIC WITH FLUTE (other ensembles) |
100-002 | BROTONS, Salvador | Sextet Mixt, (fl, cl, vl, vc, pno, perc.)
ISMN: 979-0801226-57-0 |
(Complete set) 41,82 €
(Score) 22,59 € (Set of parts) 21,63 € |
100-003 | BROTONS, Salvador | Essentiae Vitae, for woodwind quintet
ISMN: 979-0801226-56-3 |
(Complete set) 41,82 €
(Score) 24,03 € (Set of parts) 21,63 € |
100-004 | BROTONS, Salvador | Prada 1950 “A la memòria de Pau Casals”,
(fl, cl, 2 vl, vla, vc, Dbass) ISMN: 979-0801226-55-6 |
(Complete set) 41,82 €
(Score) 24,03 € (Set of parts) 21,63 € |
LÓPEZ, Gerard | Haikú, for flute and soprano saxophone
ISMN: 979-0801226-14-3 |
17,00 € |
100-103 | CAZURRA, Anna | Kalonice, for woodwind quintet
ISMN: 979-069220-008-6 |
(Complete set) 23,55 € |
100-125 | CAZURRA, Anna | Quan no hi siguis (When you are not here), for flute, oboe and piano
ISMN: 979-069220023-9 |
(Complete set) 22,00 € |
100-143 | BOSCH, Lluís M. | Retrats íntims (Intimate portraits), for flute and clarinet
ISMN: 979-069220043-7 |
(Complete set) 24,52 € |
100-186 | PERÓN CANO, Carlos | Landscape I+II,
for wind octet ISMN: 979-069220-084-0 |
(Complete set) 38,46 €
(Score) 21,63 € (Set of parts) 19,23 € |
100-193 | BOSCH, Lluís M. | Un estiu diferent (A different summer),
for flute, clarinet and piano ISMN: 979-069220-090-1 |
(Complete set) 23,07 € |
100-211 | ARBONELLI, Guido | Serenata, for flute, oboe and clarinet
ISMN: 979-069220-108-3 |
(Score) 23,07 € |
100-213 | PROHENS, Josep | Estudi núm.1 (Etude No.1), for flute and oboe
ISMN: 979-069220-110-6 |
(Complete set) 17,79 € |
100-236 | AMAT, Francisco | Tres movimientos (Three movements), for flute and clarinet
ISMN: 979-069220-135-9 |
(Complete set) 15,50 € |
100-256 | ARBONELLI, Guido | Ave Maria, for soprano, piano and clarinet
(or any other instrument) (Latin text) ISMN: 979-069220-129-8 |
12,98 € |
100-334 | NIBLOCK, James | Pentangle, for flute, English horn and guitar
ISMN: 979-069220-232-5 |
(Complete set) 22,11 € |
100-342 | ÀLVAREZ, Òscar | Bufonesques (Farcical), for woodwind quintet
ISMN: 979-069220-240-0 |
(Complete set) 30,00 € |
100-370 | BLAY, Joan Josep | Tres esbossos (Three sketches), for flute, bassoon and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-268-4 |
(Complete set) 12,99 € |
100-373 | HOMS, Joaquim | Música per a cinc (o sis) (Music for five (or six)), version for 5 players: for flute, bass clarinet, piano, double bass and percussion
ISMN: 979-069220-271-4 |
(Complete set) 41,82 €
(Score) 22,59 € (Set of parts) 21,63 € |
100-383 | HOMS, Joaquim | Música per a cinc (o sis) (Music for five (or six)), version for 6 players: for flute, clarinet, bassoon, piano, double bass and percussion
ISMN: 979-069220-281-3 |
(Complete set) 41,82 €
(Score) 22,59 € (Set of parts) 21,63 € |
100-388 | PADRÓ, Josep | Sortilegis, for flute soloist and string trio
ISMN: 979-069220-286-8 |
(Complete set) 19,23 €
100-439 | HOMS, Joaquim | Sagitari (Sagittarius), for flute, guitar, violin and violoncello
ISMN: 979-069220-337-7 |
(Complete set) 19,24 € |
100-447 | PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí | Veel, for flute, guitar and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-349-0 |
(Complete set) 16,34 € |
100-448 | PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí | Veel, for flute and guitar
ISMN: 979-069220-350-6 |
15,86 € |
100-449 | PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí | Melosa, for flute, oboe and clarinet
ISMN: 979-069220-351-3 |
(Complete set) 16,34 € |
100-458 | HOMS, Joaquim | Polifonia (Polyphony), for 11 wind instruments (flute, 2 oboes, English horn, 2 bassoons, 2 trumpets and 3 trombones)
ISMN: 979-069220-357-5 |
(Score) 19,24 € |
100-502 | MÁRQUEZ, Marian | Variacions sobre un tema popular (Variations on a popular theme), for flute, violin, viola, violoncello and piano PEDAG ISMN: 979-069220-396-4 |
(Complete set) 17,31 €
100-523 | HOMS, Joaquim | Octet de vent (Wind octet), for flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, French horn, trumpet, trombone and tuba
ISMN: 979-069220-419-0 |
(Score) 19,23 €
100-539 | ÀLVAREZ, Òscar | Paráfrase do nihilismo, for mezzosoprano and woodwind quintet
ISMN: 979-069220-433-6 |
(Complete set) 24,04 € |
100-543 | GONZÁLEZ, Jesús | (recuerdo una) Encantación ((I remember an) Encantation), for flute and harp ISMN: 979-069220-438-1 |
12,98 € |
100-549 | ALBÉNIZ, Isaac
Arr.: Vasil Nikolov |
Granada, Cuba, Cataluña (from the “Suite española”), for flute, clarinet, bassoon (or English horn), violin, violoncello, percussion and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-444-2 |
(Complete set) 25,96 € |
100-561 | PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí | Tres duos per a flauta i guitarra (Three Duos for flute and guitar)
ISMN: 979-069220-457-2 |
(Complete set) 14,42 € |
100-626 | COLL, Jaume | Tres moments per a trio, amb 2+2+3 sabors, for two flutes and double bass
ISMN: 979-69220-552-4 |
(Complete set) 21,15 € |
100-629 | BROTONS, Salvador
Cels acolorits (Coloured skies), for flute + harp
ISMN: 979-69220-555-5 |
21,15 € |
100-653 | PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí | La rosa dels vents (The wind rose), for flute and guitar
ISMN: 979-69220-580-7 |
(Complete set) 16,35€ |
100-659 | CARBALLO, Sergi
Suite “Xile” (“Chile” Suite), for violin or flute and guitar
ISMN: 979-69220-585-2 |
15,87€ |
100-704 | MIGÓ, Marc | Simfonia de butxaca, núm. 3 (Pocket Symphony N. 3), for sextet (flute, clarinet, tenor sax, guitar, violin and violoncello)
ISMN: 979-069220-627-0 |
(Complete set) 43,27€ |
100-744 | BROTONS, Salvador
Catalan text: Josep Palau I Fabre |
Arbre de flames (Flame tree), for soprano, flute and guitar
ISMN: 979-069220-666-8 |
(Complete set) 21,15€ |
100-753 | MIGÓ, Marc | Simfonia de butxaca, núm. 2 (Pocket Symphony N. 2), for septet (flute, clarinet, fagot, piano, violin, viola and violoncello)
ISMN: 979-069220-676-7 |
(Complete set) 48,08€ |
100-759 | BROTONS, Salvador | Flute quartet, for flute, violin, viola and violoncello
ISMN: 979-069220-683-5 |
(Complete set) 28,85€ |
100-777 | NIBLOCK, Howard | Mixtures, Nonet for wind quintet and string quartet
ISMN: 979-069220-700-9 |
(Complete set) 33,65€ |
100-826 | VILLARROYA, Juanjo | Grans són els deserts (Big are the deserts), Chamber opera for two sopranos, mezzo, flute, alto saxophone and piano
ISMN: 979-069220-804-4 |
(Score) 43,27€ |
100-833 | SANTIAGO, Rebeca | Si yo pudiera morder la tierra toda (If I could bite the whole world), for alto flute, clarinet, tenor saxophone, piano, violin and cello
ISMN: 979-069220-811-2 |
(Complete set) 23,08€ |
100-837 | BROTONS, Salvador | Suite del Zodíac Xinès (Chinese Zodiac Suite), for double wind quintet, piano and percussion (*)
ISMN: 979-069220-814-3 |
(Score) 28,85€ |
100-838 | GONZÁLEZ, Jesús | Barco (Ship), for flute, clarinet, trombone, percussion, violin, cello and double bass
ISMN: 979-069220-818-1 |
(Complete set) 43,27€ |
100-869 | PENMAN, Katrina PEÑA DE PRADA, María E. |
Suite “Memorias”, for flute and guitar
ISMN: 979-0-69220-907-2 |
21,15€ |
100-895 | VILA, Eligio | Trío para flauta, violonchelo y piano (Trio for flute/alto flute, cello and piano)
ISMN: 979-0-69220-938-6 |
(Complete set) 33,65€ |
100-896 | SANTIAGO, Rebeca | La construcción de un sueño (Building a dream), for flute, guitar and cello
ISMN: 979-0-69220-939-3 |
(Complete set) 14,42€ |
100-926 | BROTONS, Salvador | Souvenir à Franz et Carl Doppler (Remembrance to Franz and Carl Doppler), Fantasia concertante for two flutes and piano
ISMN: 979-0-69220-974-4 |
(Complete set) 25,00€ |
100-928 | VIVES, Aleix | Somni (Dream), for flute and harp
ISMN: 979-0-69220-976-8 |
20,19€ |
100-949 | NIBLOCK, Howard
English text: John Dryden |
DARK WINDSONGS: “The Soft Complaining Flute”, for voice and alto flute
ISMN: 979-0-69245-018-4 |
(Complete set) 16,35€ |
100-955 | RODRÍGUEZ, Ángel Luis | Espirales (Spirals), Trio for flute-piccolo, clarinet-bass clarinet and piano
ISMN: 979-0-69245-024-5 |
(Complete set) 32,69€ |
100-958 | VILA, Eligio | Ventana a mi vida interior (Window to my inner live), for flute and harp
ISMN: 979-0-69245-047-4 |
23,08€ |
200-008 | ZUBIETA, Esperanza | Tres piezas para dos flautas y piano (Three pieces for two flutes and piano)
ISMN: 979-0-801262-11-0
(Complete set) 19,23 €
200-015 | VALERO, Andrés | Variaciones sobre un tema de Vivaldi (Variations on a theme by Vivaldi), for tuba and woodwind quintet
ISMN: 979-0-801262-18-9 |
(Complete set) 33,65 € |
200-071 | QUINTO, Santiago | Quinteto en Sol “de un viejo cuaderno” (Quintet in G “from an old notebook”), for woodwind quintet
ISMN: 979-0-801262-71-4 |
(Complete set) 33,65 €
200-115 | MORA, David
Vestigios atávicos (Atavistic ruins), for flute, percussion and piano
ISMN: 979-0-805438-11-5 |
(Complete set) 33,65 €
100-764 | MONIS, Sharon | Négligence, for flute, cello, narrator, soprano and electro-acoustic effects
ISMN: 979-069220-689-7 |
(Complete set) 28,85€ |
200-006 | VALLÉS, Victor | CONS-TRUC-TION, for flute and electronics
ISMN: 979-0-801262-08-0 |
(Score with sonograma + score with timing indic. + CD) 15,39 € |
200-033 | PERALES, Carlos D. | 17 haiku, for flute and electroacoustic
ISMN: 979-0-801262-31-8 |
(Score + DVD)
200-059 | PERALES, Carlos D. | Types of blue, for flute, cello, piano and electronics
ISMN: 979-0-801262-59-2 |
(Complete set + CD) 28,85 € |
Preus sense IVA (taxes).
(*) = Material de lloguer
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