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On 5th of April, we will be at the

41st Annual Greater Portland Flute Society Flute Fair

📅 April 5th, 2025 | ⏰ 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM

Clackamas Community College, 19600 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, OR

We invite you to discover our interactive catalog of all our works for flute. Feel free to click through to see all the information (sample pages, audio, YouTube, commentaries) on our website.



100-249 PORTOLÉS, Peregrí Impressions sonores (Audible Impressions), for flute

ISMN: 979-069220-148-9

15,50 €
100-321 PADRÓ, Josep Cinc apunts per a un retrat de dona (Five sketches for a portrait of a woman), for flute

ISMN: 979-069220-219-6

13,46 €
100-440 BROTONS, Salvador Giravolts (Swirling), for solo flute

ISMN: 979-069220-340-7

20,20 €
100-527 BÁEZ, Santiago Sonatina arabesca, for flute

ISMN: 979-069220-422-0

16,35 €
100-600 ESPASA, Salvador Evocãre, for solo flute

ISMN: 979-069220-526-5

15,87 €
100-633 MONIS, Sharon Après Syrinx, for flute

ISMN: 979-69220-559-3

100-664 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Fantaisie V, for flute

ISMN: 979-69220-589-0

100-669 OLMO, Alberto Fukushima dark, for flute

ISMN: 979-69220-593-7

100-757 LÓPEZ MARTÍN, Francisco Mononoke-hime, for solo flute

ISMN: 979-69220-681-1

100-814 PENMAN, Katrina Socially distant, for flute

ISMN: 979-069220-788-7

100-882 PENMAN, Katrina Antequera, for flute

ISMN: 979-0-69220-924-9

100-888 PENMAN, Katrina Oriental, for solo flute

ISMN: 979-0-69220-930-0


100-899 PENMAN, Katrina Light among flowers, Suite for solo flute

ISMN: 979-0-69220-942-3


100-912 VILA, Eligio Estructuras metamórficas (Metamorphic structures), for flute

ISMN: 979-0-69220-956-0


100-970 DE MANUEL, Oscar Cantes de Levante “Minera”, for flute 

ISMN: 979-0-69245-100-6




100-086 BROTONS, Josep Maria Pensament, Recordant (Thought, Remembering),

for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-0801226-84-6

12,98 €
100-106 BROTONS, Josep Maria Camí nostàlgic (Nostalgic way), Remembrant el passat (Remembering the past), two short works for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-005-5

12,98 €
100-142 BOSCH, Lluís M. En blanc i negre (In black and white), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220044-4

(Complete set) 23,07 €
100-180 LEÓN FIORAVANTI, David Variacions iròniques (Ironic variations),

for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-078-9

17,79 €
100-246 PROHENS, Josep Símptomes (Symptoms), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-145-8

17,79 €
100-257 COHÍ GRAU, Agustí Ocell de bosc (Forest bird), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-155-7

17,79 €
100-341 PADRÓ, Josep Exoneració entorn d’una dona bècil (Exoneration around a bècil woman), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-239-4

14,42 €
100-345 VILLARROYA, Juanjo El Museu del temps (The Museum of time), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-243-1

12,98 €
100-347 MARTÍNEZ, Pascual

(adaptation of a traditional song)

El cant dels ocells (Birdsong), Famous Catalan traditional song for melodic instrument and piano (available for: violin, viola, violoncello, flute/oboe, clarinet, bassoon/euphonium/ trombone, saxophone alto, saxophone tenor, trumpet/Flügelhorn, French horn)

ISMN: 979-069220-245-5

(Piano and 1 instrument) 12,98 €

(Complete set with all parts) 15,86 €

100-349 ÀLVAREZ, Òscar Sonatina para personaje y su rollo (Sonatina for character and his chatter), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-247-9

19,23 €
100-494 BROTONS, Salvador Piccolo Concerto (Concert per a flautí i orquestra) “Dialogues with Axel”, for piccolo flute and orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-387-2

(Piano reduction) 21,15 €
100-497 BROTONS, Salvador Capriccio brillante, for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-391-9

17,31 €
100-535 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Por la Paz (For Peace), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-429-9

12,98 €
100-636 CARBALLO, Sergi Tres peces breus (Three short pieces), for flute or violin and piano

ISMN: 979-69220-562-3

100-721 CAPODAGLIO, Leonello Tres consolaciones (Three consolations), for oboe (or flute, clarinet, violin) and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-642-2

(Complete set) 14,42€
100-760 BROTONS, Salvador Sonata per a flauta i piano, (Sonata for flute and piano (DIG)

ISMN: 979-069220-686-6

100-813 PENMAN, Katrina To Andalusia and beyond, for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-787-0

100-868 PENMAN, Katrina Sonatina for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69220-906-5

100-879 VILA, Eligio Sonata para flauta y piano (Sonata for flute and piano)

ISMN: 979-0-69220-920-1

100-893 BOZZO, David Preludi i Fuga (Prelude and Fugue), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69220-936-2

100-900 PENMAN, Katrina Caminos introspectivos (Introspective paths), Suite for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69220-943-0

200-113 ZUBIETA, Esperanza Dos piezas (Two pieces), for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-0-805438-16-0

23,08 €


200-127 YUSTE, Luis Sonatina para flauta y piano (Sonatina for flute and piano)

ISMN: 979-0-805438-28-3

21,15 €
100-971 COSTA, Eduardo Berlín 1928, for flute and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69245-101-3

100-986 BRIZ, Anna Sinergies (Synergies), per a flauta i piano

ISMN: 979-0-69245-178-5

100-989 ÀLVAREZ, Òscar Sons, for solo instrument (piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet or violin) and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69245-180-8

(Score with parts in C and Bb) 20,19€


100-456 COHÍ GRAU, Agustí Ocell de bosc (Forest bird), Suite for flute and orchestra

ISMN: 979-069220-355-1

(Score) 18,27€


100-558 BROTONS, Salvador Piccolo Concerto (Concert per a flautí i orquestra) “Dialogues with Axel”, for piccolo flute and orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-453-4

(Score) 30,00 €
100-660 BROTONS, Salvador Piccolo Concerto “Dialogues with Àxel”, for piccolo and symphonic band

ISMN: 979-69220-600-2

(Score) 31,20€
100-675 BROTONS, Salvador Doble concert per a flauta, violí i orquestra de corda (Double concerto for flute, violin and string orchestra)

ISMN: 979-69220-601-9

(Score) 24,04€
100-957 VIVALDI, Antonio,

Arr.: Ángel Luis Rodríguez

Concierto en Do M, RV 443 (Concerto in C major), for piccolo and flute choir

ISMN: 979-0-69245-046-7  

(Complete set) 43,27
200-023 BORNE, François


Manuel Mondéjar

Fantaisie brillante sur Carmen de Bizet (Fantaisie brillante on themes of Bizet’s Carmen), for flute and symphonic band  (*)

ISMN: 979-0-801262-24-0

(Score) 22,12 €

(Solo part) 4,80 €



100-312 PERÓN CANO, Carlos Música pendular V, for flute sextet

ISMN: 979-069220-210-3

(Complete set) 23,07 €
100-346 VILLARROYA, Juanjo De la Marjal a Wittgenstein (From Marjal to Wittgenstein), for flute quartet

ISMN: 979-069220-244-8

(Complete set) 17,78 €
100-409 BROTONS, Salvador Diaulos, for two flutes

ISMN: 979-069220-307-0

(Complete set) 14,43 €
100-815 PENMAN, Katrina Flautknight, for flute quintet

ISMN: 979-069220-789-4

(Complete set) 25,00€
100-854 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Desde el Cielo (From Heaven), for 3 flutes

ISMN: 979-069220-893-8

(Complete set) 18,27€
100-901 PENMAN, Katrina Flautknight, for flute choir

ISMN: 979-0-69220-944-7

(Complete set) 43,27€
100-917 PENMAN, Katrina Deva, Tone poem for flute ensemble

ISMN: 979-0-69220-962-1

(Complete set) 28,85€
100-951 BROTONS, Salvador Tuneful Music, for flute octet (flute choir)

ISMN: 979-0-69245-020-7

(Complete set) 48,08€
100-957 VIVALDI, Antonio,

Arr.: Ángel Luis Rodríguez

Concierto en Do M, RV 443 (Concerto in C major), for piccolo and flute choir

ISMN: 979-0-69245-046-7  

(Complete set) 43,27
100-981 PENMAN, Katrina Light among flowers, Suite for 2 flutes / flute and piccolo

ISMN: 979-0-69245-172-3

(Complete set) 21,15€
200-144 DE MANUEL, Oscar Alegrías y penas, Tangos flamencos, for flute ensemble

ISMN: 979-0-805438-52-8

Complete set) 36,54€

CHAMBER MUSIC WITH FLUTE (other ensembles)

100-002 BROTONS, Salvador Sextet Mixt, (fl, cl, vl, vc, pno, perc.)

ISMN: 979-0801226-57-0

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 22,59 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-003 BROTONS, Salvador Essentiae Vitae, for woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-0801226-56-3

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 24,03 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-004 BROTONS, Salvador Prada 1950 “A la memòria de Pau Casals”,

(fl, cl, 2 vl, vla, vc, Dbass)

ISMN: 979-0801226-55-6

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 24,03 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €



LÓPEZ, Gerard Haikú, for flute and soprano saxophone

ISMN: 979-0801226-14-3

17,00 €
100-103 CAZURRA, Anna Kalonice, for woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-069220-008-6

(Complete set) 23,55 €
100-125 CAZURRA, Anna Quan no hi siguis (When you are not here), for flute, oboe and piano

ISMN: 979-069220023-9

(Complete set) 22,00 €
100-143 BOSCH, Lluís M. Retrats íntims (Intimate portraits), for flute and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220043-7

(Complete set) 24,52 €
100-186 PERÓN CANO, Carlos Landscape I+II,

for wind octet

ISMN: 979-069220-084-0

(Complete set) 38,46 €

(Score) 21,63 €

(Set of parts) 19,23 €

100-193 BOSCH, Lluís M. Un estiu diferent (A different summer),

for flute, clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-090-1

(Complete set) 23,07 €
100-211 ARBONELLI, Guido Serenata, for flute, oboe and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-108-3

(Score) 23,07 €
100-213 PROHENS, Josep Estudi núm.1 (Etude No.1), for flute and oboe

 (optionally for two flutes)

ISMN: 979-069220-110-6

(Complete set) 17,79 €
100-236 AMAT, Francisco Tres movimientos (Three movements), for flute and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-135-9

(Complete set) 15,50 €
100-256 ARBONELLI, Guido Ave Maria, for soprano, piano and clarinet

(or any other instrument) (Latin text)

ISMN: 979-069220-129-8

12,98 €
100-334 NIBLOCK, James Pentangle, for flute, English horn and guitar

ISMN: 979-069220-232-5

(Complete set) 22,11 €
100-342 ÀLVAREZ, Òscar Bufonesques (Farcical), for woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-069220-240-0

(Complete set) 30,00 €
100-370 BLAY, Joan Josep Tres esbossos (Three sketches), for flute, bassoon and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-268-4

(Complete set) 12,99 €
100-373 HOMS, Joaquim Música per a cinc (o sis) (Music for five (or six)), version for 5 players: for flute, bass clarinet, piano, double bass and percussion

ISMN: 979-069220-271-4

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 22,59 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-383 HOMS, Joaquim Música per a cinc (o sis) (Music for five (or six)), version for 6 players: for flute, clarinet, bassoon, piano, double bass and percussion

ISMN: 979-069220-281-3

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 22,59 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-388 PADRÓ, Josep Sortilegis, for flute soloist and string trio

ISMN: 979-069220-286-8

(Complete set) 19,23 €


100-439 HOMS, Joaquim Sagitari (Sagittarius), for flute, guitar, violin and violoncello

ISMN: 979-069220-337-7

(Complete set) 19,24 €
100-447 PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí Veel, for flute, guitar and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-349-0

(Complete set) 16,34 €
100-448 PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí Veel, for flute and guitar

ISMN: 979-069220-350-6

15,86 €
100-449 PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí Melosa, for flute, oboe and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-351-3

(Complete set) 16,34 €
100-458 HOMS, Joaquim Polifonia (Polyphony), for 11 wind instruments (flute, 2 oboes, English horn, 2 bassoons, 2 trumpets and 3 trombones)

ISMN: 979-069220-357-5

(Score) 19,24 €
100-502 MÁRQUEZ, Marian Variacions sobre un tema popular (Variations on a popular theme), for flute, violin, viola, violoncello and piano                                  PEDAG
ISMN: 979-069220-396-4
(Complete set) 17,31 €


100-523 HOMS, Joaquim Octet de vent (Wind octet), for flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, French horn, trumpet, trombone and tuba

ISMN: 979-069220-419-0

(Score) 19,23 €


100-539 ÀLVAREZ, Òscar Paráfrase do nihilismo, for mezzosoprano and woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-069220-433-6

(Complete set) 24,04 €
100-543 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús (recuerdo una) Encantación ((I remember an) Encantation), for flute and harp
ISMN: 979-069220-438-1
12,98 €
100-549 ALBÉNIZ, Isaac

Arr.: Vasil Nikolov

Granada, Cuba, Cataluña (from the “Suite española”), for flute, clarinet, bassoon (or English horn), violin, violoncello, percussion and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-444-2

(Complete set) 25,96 €
100-561 PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí Tres duos per a flauta i guitarra (Three Duos for flute and guitar)

ISMN: 979-069220-457-2

(Complete set) 14,42 €
100-626 COLL, Jaume Tres moments per a trio, amb 2+2+3 sabors, for two flutes and double bass

ISMN: 979-69220-552-4

(Complete set) 21,15 €
100-629 BROTONS, Salvador


Cels acolorits (Coloured skies), for flute + harp

ISMN: 979-69220-555-5

21,15 €
100-653 PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí La rosa dels vents (The wind rose), for flute and guitar

ISMN: 979-69220-580-7

(Complete set) 16,35€
100-659 CARBALLO, Sergi


Suite “Xile” (“Chile” Suite), for violin or flute and guitar

ISMN: 979-69220-585-2

100-704 MIGÓ, Marc Simfonia de butxaca, núm. 3 (Pocket Symphony N. 3), for sextet (flute, clarinet, tenor sax, guitar, violin and violoncello)

ISMN: 979-069220-627-0

(Complete set) 43,27€
100-744 BROTONS, Salvador

Catalan text: Josep Palau I Fabre

Arbre de flames (Flame tree), for soprano, flute and guitar

ISMN: 979-069220-666-8

(Complete set) 21,15€
100-753 MIGÓ, Marc Simfonia de butxaca, núm. 2 (Pocket Symphony N. 2), for septet (flute, clarinet, fagot, piano, violin, viola and violoncello)

ISMN: 979-069220-676-7

(Complete set) 48,08€
100-759 BROTONS, Salvador Flute quartet, for flute, violin, viola and violoncello

ISMN: 979-069220-683-5

(Complete set) 28,85€
100-777 NIBLOCK, Howard Mixtures, Nonet for wind quintet and string quartet

ISMN: 979-069220-700-9

(Complete set) 33,65€
100-826 VILLARROYA, Juanjo Grans són els deserts (Big are the deserts), Chamber opera for two sopranos, mezzo, flute, alto saxophone and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-804-4

(Score) 43,27€
100-833 SANTIAGO, Rebeca Si yo pudiera morder la tierra toda (If I could bite the whole world), for alto flute, clarinet, tenor saxophone, piano, violin and cello

ISMN: 979-069220-811-2

(Complete set) 23,08€
100-837 BROTONS, Salvador Suite del Zodíac Xinès (Chinese Zodiac Suite), for double wind quintet, piano and percussion (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-814-3

(Score) 28,85€
100-838 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Barco (Ship), for flute, clarinet, trombone, percussion, violin, cello and double bass

ISMN: 979-069220-818-1

(Complete set) 43,27€
100-869 PENMAN, Katrina
Suite “Memorias”, for flute and guitar

ISMN: 979-0-69220-907-2

100-895 VILA, Eligio Trío para flauta, violonchelo y piano (Trio for flute/alto flute, cello and piano)

ISMN: 979-0-69220-938-6

(Complete set) 33,65€
100-896 SANTIAGO, Rebeca La construcción de un sueño (Building a dream), for flute, guitar and cello

ISMN: 979-0-69220-939-3


(Complete set) 14,42€
100-926 BROTONS, Salvador Souvenir à Franz et Carl Doppler (Remembrance to Franz and Carl Doppler), Fantasia concertante for two flutes and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69220-974-4

(Complete set) 25,00€
100-928 VIVES, Aleix Somni (Dream), for flute and harp

ISMN: 979-0-69220-976-8

100-949 NIBLOCK, Howard

English text: John Dryden

DARK WINDSONGS: “The Soft Complaining Flute”, for voice and alto flute

ISMN: 979-0-69245-018-4

(Complete set) 16,35€
100-955 RODRÍGUEZ, Ángel Luis Espirales (Spirals), Trio for flute-piccolo, clarinet-bass clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69245-024-5  

(Complete set) 32,69€
100-958 VILA, Eligio Ventana a mi vida interior (Window to my inner live), for flute and harp

ISMN: 979-0-69245-047-4

100-973 BROTONS, Salvador Sax-wind-quintet, for flute, oboe, alto saxophone, French horn and bassoon

ISMN: 979-0-69245-103-7

100-988 ÀLVAREZ, Òscar Sons, for solo instrument (piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet or violin) and harp

ISMN: 979-0-69245-179-2

(Score with parts in C and Bb) 20,19€
200-008 ZUBIETA, Esperanza Tres piezas para dos flautas y piano (Three pieces for two flutes and piano)

ISMN: 979-0-801262-11-0

(Complete set) 19,23 €


200-015 VALERO, Andrés Variaciones sobre un tema de Vivaldi (Variations on a theme by Vivaldi), for tuba and woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-18-9

(Complete set) 33,65 €
200-071 QUINTO, Santiago Quinteto en Sol “de un viejo cuaderno” (Quintet in G “from an old notebook”), for woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-71-4

(Complete set) 33,65 €


200-115 MORA, David


Vestigios atávicos (Atavistic ruins), for flute, percussion and piano

ISMN: 979-0-805438-11-5

(Complete set) 33,65 €




100-764 MONIS, Sharon Négligence, for flute, cello, narrator, soprano and electro-acoustic effects

ISMN: 979-069220-689-7

(Complete set) 28,85€
200-006 VALLÉS, Victor CONS-TRUC-TION, for flute and electronics

ISMN: 979-0-801262-08-0

(Score with sonograma + score with timing indic. + CD) 15,39 €
200-033 PERALES, Carlos D. 17 haiku, for flute and electroacoustic

ISMN: 979-0-801262-31-8

(Score + DVD)


200-059  PERALES, Carlos D. Types of blue, for flute, cello, piano and electronics

ISMN: 979-0-801262-59-2

(Complete set + CD) 28,85 €