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Update: See our memories of the participation in the ClarinetFest 2024 in Dublin

We invite you to discover our interactive catalog of all our works for clarinet. Don’t hesitate to click to see all the information (sample pages, audio, YouTube, commentaries) on our website.



100-062 NIBLOCK, James Soaring, for solo clarinet

ISMN: 979-0801226-68-6

14,43 €


100-068 LÓPEZ, Gerard Arioso e Burlesca, for solo clarinet

ISMN: 979-0801226-22-8

12,50 €
100-299 AMAT, Francisco Mediterrània (Mediterranean), for clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-197-7

14,42 €
100-378 ARBONELLI, Guido Il Canto dell’anima, for clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-276-9

13,47 €
100-392 BROTONS, Salvador Clar i net (Clean & clear), for clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-289-9

19,23 €
100-393 RIBAS, Maria Rosa Desperta (Wake up), for clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-291-2

15,39 €
100-466 RODRÍGUEZ PICÓ, Jesus Caprici Boreal (Boreal caprice), for clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-364-3

15,86 €
100-529 BIMBI, Daniel L’eixerit (The quick-witted), for bass clarinet
ISMN: 979-069220-424-4
15,38 €
100-533 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Señales-Trumpet, for trumpet or clarinet
ISMN: 979-069220-427-5
12,98 €


100-590 ÀLVAREZ, Òscar Tripitura, for bass clarinet

ISMN: 979-69220-516-6

12,98 €
100-816 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Plegaria de los ahogados (Prayer of the drowned), for trombone (baritone saxophone or bass clarinet)

ISMN: 979-069220-793-1



100-960 VILA, Eligio Escenas lúdicas (Playful Scenes), for clarinet

ISMN: 979-0-69245-049-8

200-001 AMAT, Francisco Tema i variacions, for clarinet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-09-7

15,39 €


200-024 PIQUEUR, Bart Sueño andaluz (Andalusian Dream), Fantasia for clarinet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-25-7

19,24 €




100-023 LEÓN FIORAVANTI, David Capriccio, for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0801226-36-5

20,67 €
100-061 NIBLOCK, James Four Vignettes, for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0801226-60-0

17,79 €
100-234 ARBONELLI, Guido Thanks, Astor,

for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-133-5

15,50 €
100-314 PROHENS, Josep Enigma, for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-212-7

21,63 €
100-480 PASCUAL, Josep Diptic venecià (Venetian diptych), for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-378-0

18,27 €
100-496 OLM, Marcel Kaleidoscop (Kaleidoscope), for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-388-9

17,31 €
100-532 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Cantiga, for melodic instrument and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-426-8

(Complete set) 12,98 €


100-713 BROTONS, Salvador Sonata per a clarinet i piano, for clarinet and piano (DIG)

ISMN: 979-069220-636-1

100-721 CAPODAGLIO, Leonello Tres consolaciones (Three consolations), for oboe (or flute, clarinet, violin) and piano

ISMN: 979-69220-642-2

(Complete set) 14,42€
100-774 VILA, Eligio Siluetas y Marionetas (Silhouettes and puppets), for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-697-2

100-885 VILA, Eligio Sonata, for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69220-927-0                                  

100-956 RODRÍGUEZ, Ángel Luis Seis danzas para un ciempiés (Six Dances for a Centipede), Suite for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69245-025-2

000-004 NAVARRO, Salvador Sonata, for clarinet and piano 17,31 €
200-103 YUSTE, Luis Dos cuentos infantiles (Two children’s tales), for clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0-805438-03-0

16,35 €


200-114 AMAT, Francisco Tema y variaciones, for clarinet (or soprano saxophone) and piano

ISMN: 979-0-801262-17-7

18,27 €




100-076 NIBLOCK, James Concerto for violin, clarinet and orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-0801226-74-7

(Score) 25,00 €
100-126 NIBLOCK, James Concerto for violin, clarinet and orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-069220024-6

(Piano reduction) 24,51 €
100-208 AMAT, Francisco Concierto, for clarinet and band

ISMN: 979-069220-105-2

(Score) 22,11 €
100-322 AMAT, Francisco Concierto, for clarinet and band (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-220-2

(Piano reduction) 18,26 €
100-344 PERÓN CANO, Carlos Concierto de ébano nº 2 (Ebony Concerto #2), for clarinet and string orchestra

ISMN: 979-069220-242-4

(Piano reduction) 21,63 €
100-353 PERÓN CANO, Carlos Concierto de ébano nº 2 (Ebony Concerto #2), for clarinet and string orchestra  (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-251-6

(Score) 22,11 €
100-380 PERÓN CANO, Carlos Concierto de ébano nº 1 (Ebony Concerto #1), for clarinet and string orchestra  (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-278-3

(Piano reduction) 21,63 €
100-381 PERÓN CANO, Carlos Concierto de ébano nº 1 (Ebony Concerto #1), for clarinet and string orchestra  (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-279-0

(Score) 22,12 €
100-390 PERÓN, Carlos Concierto “Negras olas” (Concerto “Black waves”), for bass clarinet and string orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-288-2

(Score) 23,07 €
100-418 NIBLOCK, James Concerto No.2, for violin and clarinet and orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-316-2

(Score) 28,85 €


100-419 NIBLOCK, James Concerto No.3, for violin and clarinet and orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-317-9

(Score) 24.04 €
100-482 NIBLOCK, James Concerto #2 for violin, clarinet and clarinet ensemble (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-385-8

(Score) 19,24 €
100-718 BROTONS, Salvador Clarinet quartet Concertino, for clarinet quartet and orchestra(*)

ISMN: 979-0-69245-092-4

(Score) 28,85€
100-719 BROTONS, Salvador Clarinet Quartet Concertino, for clarinet quartet and symphonic band (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-672-9

(Score) 28,85€
100-761 BROTONS, Salvador Bass Clarinet Concerto, for bass clarinet and orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-720-7

(Score) 28,85€
100-796 BROTONS, Salvador Sonata-Concerto, for bass clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-719-1



(Piano reduction of the Bass Clarinet Concerto 100-761)

100-867 BROTONS, Salvador
Orch. and arr.: Simeonov, Svilen
Fantasia sobre l’ària de Florestan de l’òpera Fidelio de Beethoven (Fantasy on the Florestan aria from Beethoven’s opera Fidelio), for two clarinets and symphony orchestra (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-905-8

(Score) 19,23€
100-909 BROTONS, Salvador


Clarinet quartet Concertino, for clarinet quartet and piano (Eb clarinet, Bb clarinet, corno di bassetto or Bb clarinet, bass clarinet)               (*)

ISMN: 979-0-69220-953-9

(Complete set) 38,46€

The basset horn part can be substituted with a 2nd clarinet in B, Complete set with 5 parts


200-025 QUINTO, Santiago Rapsodia, for clarinet and symphonic band (*)

ISMN: 979-0-801262-26-4

(Score) 22,12 €


200-027 AMAT, Francisco Dianium, Concerto for clarinet and piano (2nd movement with violoncello optional)

ISMN: 979-0-801262-28-8

(Complete set) 21,15 €
200-079 QUINTO, Santiago Bucólicas, Pastoral dances for solo clarinet and symphonic band

ISMN: 979-0-801262-79-0

(Score) 21,15 €




100-008 BROTONS, Salvador Cinc petites peces (Five little pieces),

for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0801226-51-8

(Complete set) 26,92 €
100-128 GRAU, Miquel Seqüències (Sequences), for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-069220019-2

(Complete set) 24,00 €
100-719 BROTONS, Salvador Clarinet Quartet Concertino, for clarinet quartet and symphonic band

ISMN: 979-069220-672-9

(Score) 28,85€

(there is also a version with orchestra)

100-909 BROTONS, Salvador


Clarinet quartet Concertino, for clarinet quartet and piano (Eb clarinet, Bb clarinet, corno di bassetto or Bb clarinet, bass clarinet)               (*)

ISMN: 979-0-69220-953-9

(Complete set) 38,46€

The basset horn part can be substituted with a 2nd clarinet in B, Complete set with 5 parts

200-010 PÉREZ RIBES, Juan El travieso jovial (The mischievous kid), Clarinet quartet No. 2

ISMN: 979-0-801262-13-4

(Complete set) 26,93 €


200-011 BAIXAULI, Ricardo Quartettino, for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-14-1

(Complete set) 26,93€
200-019 PLA, José Pieza para cuatro clarinetes (Piece for four clarinets), for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-22-6

(Complete set) 26,93 €


200-022 MORALES, José M. Two blue minutes, for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-03-5

(Complete set) 18,27 €
200-030 MARTÍNEZ GALLEGO Di-Vert-imento, for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-05-9

(Complete set) 26,92 €


PEREIRA, Vasco BEET, Divertimento based on themes by Beethoven, for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-32-5

(Complete set) 19,24 €
200-056 LLANES, José Raúl Suite Americana (American Suite), for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-56-1

(Complete set) 26,92 €
200-057 PÉREZ GARRIDO, Javier Cuarteto nº 1, “Trágico” (Quartet No. 1 “Tragic”), for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-57-8

(Complete set) 27,88 €
200-058 VALERO CASTELLS, Andrés Solerianeta, Fantasy on Father Soler’s Fandango for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-58-5

(Complete set) 25,96 €


200-076 ANDREU COMOS, Francisco L’enfant magique, for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-76-9

(Complete set) 17,31 €


200-137 MORALES, José M. Little Clarinet History, for clarinet quartet or clarinet ensemble

ISMN: 979-0-805438-45-0

(Complete set) 33,65€
200-143 BAIXAULI, Ricardo Cabiscol, for clarinet quartet

ISMN: 979-0-805438-51-1

Complete set) 21,15€


100-002 BROTONS, Salvador Sextet Mixt, (fl, cl, vl, vc, pno, perc.)

ISMN: 979-0801226-57-0

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 22,59 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-003 BROTONS, Salvador Essentiae Vitae, for woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-0801226-56-3

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 24,03 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-004 BROTONS, Salvador Prada 1950 “A la memòria de Pau Casals”,

(fl, cl, 2 vl, vla, vc, Dbass)

ISMN: 979-0801226-55-6

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 24,03 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-050 CAZURRA, Anna Càntic (Song of praise), for clarinet, violin and cello

ISMN: 979-0801226-12-9

(Complete set) 19,71 €
100-052 LÓPEZ, Gerard Cinc haikús, for clarinet and electronic part (CD)

ISMN: 979-0801226-13-6

(Score and CD with     electronic part) 18,50 €
100-095 BROTONS, Salvador Fantasia contrastant (Contrasting fantasy), for clarinet and marimba-vibraphone

ISMN: 979-0801226-98-3

100-103 CAZURRA, Anna Kalonice, for woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-069220-008-6

(Complete set) 23,55 €
100-123 CASANELLES, Sergi Visions d’una Guerra (Visions of a war), for clarinet and string quartet

ISMN: 979-069220021-5

(Complete set) 30,00 €
100-127 NIBLOCK, James Clarinet Quatredecatet, for 14 clarinets

ISMN: 979-069220025-3

(Complete set) 24,51€
100-143 BOSCH, Lluís M. Retrats íntims (Intimate portraits), for flute and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220043-7

(Complete set) 24,52 €
100-147 PERÓN CANO, Carlos Presencias (Presences), for clarinet, viola and guitar

ISMN: 979-069220046-8

(Complete set) 23,07 €
100-186 PERÓN CANO, Carlos Landscape I+II,

for wind octet

ISMN: 979-069220-084-0

(Complete set) 38,46 €

(Score) 21,63 €

(Set of parts) 19,23 €

100-193 BOSCH, Lluís M. Un estiu diferent (A different summer),

for flute, clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-090-1

(Complete set) 23,07 €
100-204 HOMS, Joaquim Sonata, for oboe and bass clarinet or bassoon

ISMN: 979-069220-101-4

(Complete set) 22,11 €
100-211 ARBONELLI, Guido Serenata, for flute, oboe and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-108-3

(Score) 23,07 €
100-222 AMAT, Francisco Invenciones (Inventions), for clarinet and bassoon

ISMN: 979-069220-119-9

(Complete set) 9,61 €
100-236 AMAT, Francisco Tres movimientos (Three movements), for flute and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-135-9

(Complete set) 15,50 €
100-256 ARBONELLI, Guido Ave Maria, for soprano, piano and clarinet

(or any other instrument) (Latin text)

ISMN: 979-069220-129-8

12,98 €
100-281 HOMS, Joaquim Trio, for violin, clarinet (or oboe, or violoncello) and piano (set includes all the parts)

ISMN: 979-069220-179-3

(Complete set) 22,11 €
100-302 ALBINONI, T.G.

(Adapt.: Julio J. Maestro Oliver)

Adagio en Sol menor (Adagio in G minor), for clarinet trio

ISMN: 979-069220-200-4

 (Complete set) 12,98 €
100-303 BACH, J. S.

(Adapt.: Julio J. Maestro Oliver)

Ària de la Suite núm. 3 en Re (Air from the Suite #3 in D), for clarinet trio

ISMN: 979-069220-201-1

 (Complete set) 12,98 €
100-306 HOMS, Joaquim Sonata per a dos clarinets, for two clarinets

Optional version of Hom’s Sonata for oboe and bass clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-204-2

 (Complete set) 22,11 €
100-310 NIBLOCK, James Colloquy, for clarinet, trumpet, percussion and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-208-0

(Complete set) 23,55 €
100-336 LEÓN, Jordi De casa nostra (From our homeland), five Catalan traditional melodies for oboe, clarinet and bassoon

ISMN: 979-069220-234-9

(Complete set) 19,23 €
100-342 ÀLVAREZ, Òscar Bufonesques (Farcical), for woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-069220-240-0

(Complete set) 30,00 €
100-373 HOMS, Joaquim Música per a cinc (o sis) (Music for five (or six)), version for 5 players: for flute, bass clarinet, piano, double bass and percussion

ISMN: 979-069220-271-4

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 22,59 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-383 HOMS, Joaquim Música per a cinc (o sis) (Music for five (or six)), version for 6 players: for flute, clarinet, bassoon, piano, double bass and percussion

ISMN: 979-069220-281-3

(Complete set) 41,82 €

(Score) 22,59 €

(Set of parts) 21,63 €

100-434 BROTONS, Salvador Nadales catalanes, version for tenora (trumpet or clarinet) and organ

ISMN: 979-069220-332-2

19,24 €
100-391 NIBLOCK, James Clarolin Variations, for violin and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-290-5


 (Complete set) 14,43 €
100-444 BROTONS, Salvador Reed Quintet, for for Eb clarinet, oboe, alto saxophone, bass clarinet and bassoon

ISMN: 979-069220-342-1

(Score) 21,15 €

(Complete set) 38,46 €

(Set of parts) 23,07 €

100-449 PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí Melosa, for flute, oboe and clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-351-3

(Complete set) 16,34 €
100-463 NIBLOCK, James Trio Fantasy on Dvořák’s Romanza,

for violin, clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-361-2

(Complete set) 19,24 €


100-482 NIBLOCK, James Concerto #2 for violin, clarinet and clarinet ensemble (*)

ISMN: 979-069220-385-8

(Score) 19,24 €
100-549 ALBÉNIZ, Isaac

Arr.: Vasil Nikolov

Granada, Cuba, Cataluña (from the “Suite española”), for flute, clarinet, bassoon (or English horn), violin, violoncello, percussion and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-444-2

(Complete set) 25,96 €
100-563 BIMBI, Daniel Octopus, Toccata for vibraphone and bass clarinet

ISMN: 979-069220-459-6

(Complete set) 15,38 €
100-613 PORTOLÉS CHULVI, Peregrí La força que m’empeny (The power that drives me), for clarinet and guitar

ISMN: 979-69220-538-8

(Complete set) 14,42 €
100-674 BROTONS, Salvador Settimino a 7, for clarinet, bassoon, French horn, violin, viola, violoncello and double bass

ISMN: 979-69220-599-9

(Complete set) 43,27€
100-686 MONTI, Vittorio

Arr: J. Mercadal + B. Euler

Czardas, for violin, clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-69220-614-9

(Complete set) 17,31€
100-704 MIGÓ, Marc Simfonia de butxaca, núm. 3 (Pocket Symphony N. 3), for sextet (flute, clarinet, tenor sax, guitar, violin and violoncello)

ISMN: 979-69220-627-0

(Complete set) 43,27€
100-726 CAPODAGLIO, Leonello Danza popular (Popular dance), for clarinet, trumpet, cello and piano

ISMN: 979-69220-648-4

(Complete set) 18,27€


100-736 COLL, Jaume

Catalan text: Joan Pons

Images: Tónia Coll

Històries naturals, for septet (flute, clarinet, tenor saxophone, trumpet, piano, violin, double bass) and narrator

ISMN: 979-069220-658-3

(Score) 26,92€
100-746 COLL, Jaume

Catalan text: Joan Pons

Images: Tónia Coll

Les HISTÒRIES NATURALS d’en Joan Pons i na Tónia Coll, musicades per en Jaume Coll, for septet (flute, clarinet, tenor saxophone, trumpet, piano, violin, double bass) and narrator

ISMN: 979-069220-668-2

(Complete set) 43,20€
100-753 MIGÓ, Marc Simfonia de butxaca, núm. 2 (Pocket Symphony N. 2), for septet (flute, clarinet, fagot, piano, violin, viola and violoncello)

ISMN: 979-069220-676-7

(Complete set) 48,08€
100-768 VILA, Eligio Trio for A clarinet, cello and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-693-4

(Complete set) 26,92€
100-777 NIBLOCK, Howard Mixtures, Nonet for wind quintet and string quartet

ISMN: 979-069220-700-9


(Complete set) 33,65€
100-797 BROTONS, Salvador Fantasia sobre l’ària de Florestan de l’òpera Fidelio de Beethoven (Fantasy on the Florestan aria from Beethoven’s opera Fidelio), for two clarinets and piano

ISMN: 979-069220-722-1


(Complete set) 16,35€
100-833 SANTIAGO, Rebeca Si yo pudiera morder la tierra toda (If I could bite the whole world), for alto flute, clarinet, tenor saxophone, piano, violin and cello

ISMN: 979-069220-811-2

(Complete set) 23,08€
100-838 GONZÁLEZ, Jesús Barco (Ship), for flute, clarinet, trombone, percussion, violin, cello and double bass

ISMN: 979-069220-818-1

(Complete set) 43,27€
100-950 NIBLOCK, Howard

English text: Percy Bysshe Shelley

DARK WINDSONGS: “A Dirge”, for voice and Bb clarinet

ISMN: 979-0-69245-019-1

(Complete set) 16,35€
100-955 RODRÍGUEZ, Ángel Luis Espirales (Spirals), Trio for flute-piccolo, clarinet-bass clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69245-024-5  

(Complete set) 32,69€
100-985 BROTONS, Salvador Mirrors, for violin, clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0-69245-177-8

(Complete set) 33,65€
200-013 PÉREZ RIBES, Juan Imágenes subliminales (Subliminal images), for two clarinets and piano

ISMN: 979-0-801262-16-5

(Complete set) 24,04 €
200-027 AMAT, Francisco Dianium, Concerto for clarinet and piano (2nd movement with violoncello optional)

ISMN: 979-0-801262-28-8

(Complete set) 21,15 €
200-036 GARCÍA, Mariano Tres lecturas sobre El Gabinete del Dr. Caligari (Three readings on The Office of Dr. Caligari), for violin, clarinet and piano

ISMN: 979-0-801262-34-9

(Complete set) 18,27 €
200-063 PÉREZ GARRIDO, Javier Cinco dúos, Op. 1, for for two clarinets

ISMN: 979-0-801262-63-9

(Complete set) 14,42 €
200-071 QUINTO, Santiago Quinteto en Sol “de un viejo cuaderno” (Quintet in G “from an old notebook”), for woodwind quintet

ISMN: 979-0-801262-71-4

(Complete set) 33,65 €


Prices without IVA (taxes).

(*) = Rental Material.

Get the special conditions for the ClarinetFest.


See also our interactive catalog for WOODWINDS