Sonatina para flauta y piano (Sonatina for flute and piano)


The Sonatina, completed in 2021 in the wake of the coronavirus pandemia, is inspired by nature, literature and legends from the northern coast of Spain.

  1. Daughter of the sea (La hija del mar)
  2. At moonshine by the sea (Deva – diosa de la luna, en la orilla del mar). Cadenza
  3. After the rain (Nunca choveu que non escampara)



PENMAN, Katrina


Flute and piano




Year of composition






The Sonatina, completed in 2021 in the wake of the coronavirus pandemia, is inspired by nature, literature and legends from the northern coast of Spain. The piece communicates the transcending joy of having completed a journey and overcome difficult times, since every person on this planet went through some kind of personal evolution at this time.

The music of the Sonatina is a celebration of nature, and of gratitude and of reconnection, both with loved ones and with the environment (depicted by the constancy of the sun and moon, the sounds of birds, wind, waves and rain), and an unfaltering message of hope for humankind in the image of the clear skies ahead in the words of the proverb that inspired the final movement of the piece: Nunca choveu que non escampara (There is never a rainfall that does not give way to clear skies).

The first movement, based on a melody shown to me by a friend, is inspired by the movement of the Atlantic waves and the novel by Galician author Rosalía de Castro, “La hija del mar” (Daughter of the sea), which treats the subject of claustrophobic and even abusive family relationships in the confinement of a small coastal community, while the second movement reveres the watchful Celtic goddess Deva, divinity of the moon and the waters, at nightfall when the sun has gracefully bowed down, allowing the moon to shine above the sea.

Additional information

Weight 0.265 kg

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