Year of composition
Obstinacy, was composed in the fall of 1991. The composer’s aim was to create a short movement for symphonic band with a minimum of thematic material. The whole composition springs from the 4 first measures of the piece, when the brass introduces the eight first notes of a row of 12. The first four notes (Eb4-A3-Db4-C3) are treated with all kind of transformations throughout the piece. Despite the original 12 tone approach, the row meant to give coherence to the piece, and in any way it has been a scientific limitation.
The driving rhythms do not stop throughout the piece. Several lyrical ideas often bloom and the band shines for its variety of textures, contrasts, and colors using all kind of instrumental combinations.
The title suggests courage and tenacity, and becomes heroic when a new theme (the only contrasting idea of the piece) of majestic and heroic character sings prominently underneath a new rhythm played by the snare drum.
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