Memoràlia, Symphonic Movement for orchestra


Piece comissioned by the “40 Festival de Música y Danza de Granada”

Premiered by the director Victor Pablo Pérez, on June 19, 1991, in the Auditorio Manuel de Falla de Granada.



HOMS, Joaquim






3 [1.2.pic] 2 2 1 - 1 1 1 1 - T+2perc - Harp Pno - Strings


12' 30"



Year of composition






We are all aware of the role that memory plays in our lives and, as they are prolonged, the presence and meaning of the most remote memories intensify with respect to the more immediate memories, as we contemplate the past from a broader perspective. Likewise, the intervention of memory is primordial and essential to enjoy music to the full because, without it, it would be reduced to mere unconnected and meaningless sensations. It is no wonder, then, that in the latter stages of my long life I composed three works, two symphonies and a piece for chamber music, which include citations from previous ones. I titled the first one Biofonía (1982), the second one Rhumbs (1988) and this one Memoràlia (1989), a nonexistent word in the dictionary which tries to suggest intent and content. All three are structured in one polymorphic movement of 12-13 minutes long. In the case of the latter piece, the 12 sequences that comprise it are based on short quotes from works of mine from 1925, 1934, 1948, 1967 and 1972. As can be observed by the dates of the pieces, they all express sensations and feelings that start with youthful illusions, continue with the questions of adolescence and periods of plenitude followed by setbacks which culminate in the last two, giving way to a certain serenity packed with memories from the past. It is noteworthy that despite the variety of circumstances that are reflected in the different periods of the work, I think there is always an obvious profound unity which links them closely to each other, being reflections of a single life.

Joaquim Homs (1991)

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Weight 0.265 kg

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