Carpe Diem, Catalan Rhapsody N. 6 (symphonic band)


Carpe Diem was commissioned by the Federació Balear de Bandes de Musica i Associacions Musicals. My purpose has been to compose an original piece for symphonic band of medium difficulty, basically tonal and of accessible length for semiprofessional groups.



BROTONS, Salvador




Symphonic band


2 Flautes (Flutes), Flautí (Piccolo- Flauta 3), 2 Oboès (Oboes), Corn anglès (English horn), Clarinets 1-2-3, Clarinet baix (bass clarinet), 2 Fagots (bassoons), Saxòfon Soprano, Saxòfon Alt 1-2, Saxòfon Tenor 1-2, Saxòfon Baríton 1-2, 4 Trompes (Horns), 4 Trompetes (en Do) parts in Bb (Trumpets), 2 Fiscorns (Flugelhorns), 4 Trombons (4t, baix-bass), Bombardins (Euphoniums) 1-2, Tubes 1-2 (Tubas), Contrabaix (Double bass), Timbales (Timpani), 4 o 5 Percussionistes (4 or 5 percussion players): (Caixa (Snare drum), Bombo (Bass drum), Tomtoms, Plat sospès (Suspended Cymbal), Plats (2 Cymbals), Xilòfon, Vibràfon, Tam tam, Maraques, Pandereta (Tambourine))





Year of composition






Carpe Diem was written during the months of February and March 2019 and commissioned by the Federació Balear de Bandes de Musica i Associacions Musicals.

My purpose has been to compose an original piece for symphonic band of medium difficulty, basically tonal and of accessible length for semiprofessional groups.

Carpe Diem (Enjoy the day) wants to be a small reflection on the brevity of our life where we normally all swing between moments of optimism and others more depressing. Once we have reached a certain age and looking back a bit, we realize that everything has happened too fast and it is time to live intensely the present. We take advantage of the days so that the future is uncertain. Death will come to us inevitably. We enjoy the world that surrounds us, nature, the people we love and seek happiness to the fullest while we have good health.

Musically the main thematic material comes from the Catalan folk song by presenting, manipulating and combining the melodies freely and varied. The work begins glossing melodies of sad, slow and melancholic character: La presó de Lleida and La mort i la donzella. Little by little the new tunes are more lively, faster and more tonal: La cançó del lladre, Muntanyes regalades, L’hereu Riera i El rossinyol, these last two juxtaposed in combination. It follows a slow central part based on the El testament d’Amèlia, an extremely sad song of great emotion, returning to these more melancholic spaces of our existence.

The repetition of this melody is already combined with La presó Lleida, thus initiating a re-exposition of the entire first part, which is more abbreviated and manipulated.

A very gradual rise of tension will lead to the final culmination of the work to a final euphoric and brilliant space in accordance with what the title of the work indicates.

(Salvador Brotons)


Carpe Diem – Youtube

Additional information

Weight 0.475 kg

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