Cançoner per a infants i joves (Songbook for children and young people aged 5 to 12


I. L’ocell
II. Vull estimar
III. Vaixell de vela
IV. A la música
V. Vull saber
VI. L’avet
VII. La nit de Nadal
VIII. La barqueta
IX. Xip Peixet
X. Un follet
XI. El meu gat
XII. Dibuix inconegut



ANTONÉS, Eulàlia

Catalan text

ANTONÉS, Eulàlia


BROTONS, Salvador




Children's choir (2 voices) and piano



Year of composition





There are many moments when music has accompanied me. Moments of darkness, of joy, of farewell, of union, of struggle, of love, … Above all, I have always had songs very close to me.

In this songbook you will find some that I have been writing over the years, for children and young people between 5 and 12 years old. Everyone will find the best song for the age of their singers. I give a lot of value to the lyrics, and I like that everyone can make his or her own interpretation. In Vull saber (I want to know) you can debate how a presence quickens the heartbeat or how an absence can leave such a sweet smile. Vaixell de vela (Sailing boat) is an opening to life, anything goes, there is no destiny, there is no end. Technically all the sheet music can be simplified to one voice although some have two voices, and the tempos given in the songs can also vary.

These are songs for everyone that Maestro Salvador Brotons has harmonized on the piano and to whom I thank from the bottom of my heart for this collaboration.

(Eulàlia Antonés)


Cover ilustration: Thais Rovira

Additional information

Weight 0.265 kg

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